4th Day of Dream Riders: Visiting McIntyre’s Office
The Dream Riders had an in-district meeting with the staff of Representative Mike McIntyre who represents the 7th District of North Carolina. Representative McIntyre is a fiscal conservative focused on issues related to the agriculture industry and farm families as well as the military and veterans. We were there to share our stories and seek his support for comprehensive immigration reform.
Before the meeting even started, I was not sure how things were going to unfold. The story that I share is a story that I have carried for just two weeks.
Trying to regain my composure was a little difficult at first because I have not practiced telling my story before. As an artist, I write down my lyrics and rehearse before performing. Watching other Dream Riders on the tour share their stories, empowered me to share my story. It does not matter how many times I have heard their stories, I still fight hard not to cry every time.
Two years ago, immigration became to me. I found out that I still had two older siblings, a brother and sister, living in Vietnam whom I have never met. As soon as I heard, I wanted to meet them and started to plan for it. Fast forward to two weeks ago, I found out that one of my older brother passed away unexpectedly. Now, no matter what, I am not going to rest until I bring my sister from Vietnam here to be reunited with me.

Representative McIntyre’s staff were very hospitable, and expressed their appreciation for us coming all the way to their district office. This legislative visit re-affirmed my belief that sharing our views as young Asian Americans, as we drive across the country, will touch people’s hearts and make an impact. I am not tired. I am more ready to keep pushing for change.
-Allen Tu
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